Dingoden Family Outback Yapper

Welcome to our Family blog. It will try to capture the various asundry activities of our mundane lives, but with an attempt at making it seem not quite so mundane.

16 June 2009

Making Chinese Dragons and working on lapbooks

Delenn and Logan also made Chinese handprint dragons.
Delenn was determined to do everything herself, while
Logan kept insisting he needed my help to cut his hand-
prints out. In the end, he did it mostly himself, but he
gets so frustrated if things don't look "perfect" (by his

Logan has been working on a China lapbook as well. Delenn
is putting together a lapbook based on "Brown Bear, Brown
Bear." I love all the preschool-tot ideas shared by this Mom
at http://www.homeschoolblogger.com/walkingbytheway/
She did some things on Brown Bear, Brown Bear and posted
her ideas on her website if you want to take a peek over

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