Dingoden Family Outback Yapper

Welcome to our Family blog. It will try to capture the various asundry activities of our mundane lives, but with an attempt at making it seem not quite so mundane.

05 June 2009

More on Classifying Animals

Delenn had an activity in her workbox [I know I talked
to Grandma and Grandpa and a couple of you about the
workboxes that Dad got me for my birthday--did I ever
post a picture of those new drawers? If not, I'll post a quick
picture of that below this post!] that she's done a
couple of times where she had to sort the animals into
reptiles and birds or mammals. I got that here:

She's done this several times and we talked about the
fact that reptiles and birds lay eggs and that mammals
have live babies and nurse their young.

Logan did this as well and we added an activity from
Evan Moor's Take it to your Seat Science. (See the
picture below)

The cards from the post above can be used to sort "living" things
into the five kingdoms. I introduced that topic today.
Because we talked quite a bit about mold, mushrooms,
fungus and yeast back in January and a couple of weeks
ago with the science experiments, Logan and Delenn were
able to correctly place most everything into their proper
categories (except "protists" and "prokaryotes" -- but
honestly, would you know which of those two categories
was the bacteria and which were the amoebas, etc.? FYI

Anyway, we will have Logan sort the various pictures into their
correct categories on other days. Delenn will sort the pictures
into living and non-living, but I'll still sit down with her to
talk about the five kingdoms. I'll put the cards in their
work box for review.

If you are interested in finding out more about the preschool
and early elementary Montessori intoduction to the animal
kingdoms here is a wonderful resource:

Five Kingdoms: http://www.moteaco.com/albums/biology.html

Animal Kingdom: http://www.moteaco.com/albums/biology2.html

These are the same
cards from the
activity above.

Delenn wanted
her picture taken
with the cards!
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