Dingoden Family Outback Yapper

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05 June 2009

Our Homeschool Area with the Beautiful New Drawers (called workboxes)

This area has been a work in progress for the past couple of
months. I started with the baskets and hard file folders. Each
file folder has a different activity: clocks, Montessori Math,
addition, science/classification, geography (continents), phonics
(for Delenn), reading (Beacon Second Grade Reader --free at
http://www.gutenberg.org/etext/15659 -- with wonderful
stories like The Shoemaker and the Elves, The Wolf and the
Seven Young Kids
and Tom Thumb. Those are the stories
Logan has read to me so far). Anyway, I found a file folder
holder that can hold all of my file bins (last photo below). Dad
got me the colorful drawer set for my birthday. Each evening
I put activities for the kids (Logan is green and blue, Delenn
has purple and pink (sometimes Elora has a pink/purple bin
as well; orange is an activity for everyone).

This area has done WONDERS for life in general. Because all
the materials we need are right there in the drawer, I can say
why don't you go do the workbox drawer and the kids can do
it. We're no "school at home" by any means, but by being
organized the kids have more independence. They often choose
to do things on their own, but also know where to go when I
ask/suggest that they do something. We get much more
schoolwork done simply because things are out, ready and set to go.

Even on Thursday when Elora threw up all day (she's better now
on Friday) Logan and Delenn did most of the activities I had
gotten ready on Wednesday evening.

Here's a great example of what I mean! Elora just brought
me the little plastic shot glass cups and pom poms from one
of the drawers and is busy putting pom poms into the little
cups here next to the computer. Meanwhile, Delenn just
brought me the wagons (a skip counting activity counting
by 3s). She wanted me to help her put the wagon
train together (like Logan had done) so I helped her and we
laid out pom poms by 3s to help her visualize it. While I doubt
she (at age 3) totally understood what we were doing, the
activity was there in the drawer, caught her eye and we sat
down to do it together. (Who knows, maybe she understood
more than I think??)

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  • At 20 June, 2009 08:30 , Blogger SLPCHRIS said...

    I love how you set up the workboxes. I's love to know what the clear containers are on the right side of the top picture (labeled money, clocks, ect). I'm looking for something that size to utilize for our workboxes. Can you tell me where you found them and what they are called? Thank you!

  • At 05 July, 2009 15:04 , Blogger DingoFamily said...

    The file folders are made by Marbig and are sold in Australia (though I bought them for 1/2 the price of the website price):


    I don't know if something similar is sold in the US. Hope that helps!


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