Dingoden Family Outback Yapper

Welcome to our Family blog. It will try to capture the various asundry activities of our mundane lives, but with an attempt at making it seem not quite so mundane.

07 July 2009


This is how Logan and Delenn felt after Show Days [like a
county fair in the States with animals, competitions for best
crafts and (most important to the kids) rides, lots of rides] -- not
only because it came to an end, but because they both
got sick. On Sunday night they both didn't want dinner and
went straight to bed. Logan threw up all night and Delenn
screamed and yelled in (ear) pain. Logan also complained of
a sore ear. Delenn's ear drum ruptured sometime in the night
(and so the pain eased off for her). The doctor said they both
had raging ear infections.

The next night, Monday night, everyone was exhausted. But
unfortunately it was Elora's turn for a horrible night. She was
up screaming and crying most of the night. She went (back) into
the doctor the next morning and she too has an ear infection.

Strange that they all came down with ear infections at the same
time. Poor kids.

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