Dingoden Family Outback Yapper

Welcome to our Family blog. It will try to capture the various asundry activities of our mundane lives, but with an attempt at making it seem not quite so mundane.

07 July 2009

Science Centre Folders

I mentioned a couple of days ago that I finally organized our
biology cards into various file folders:

Living - Non-Living
Five Kingdoms
Vertebrates vs. Invertebrates
Invertebrate groups
Vertebrate groups

I've written about them before, so it's not really anything new
except for the fact that I feel better about being organized. We
went back and have been reading our science book (Real Science
4 Kids-Biology, http://gravitaspublications.com/products/index.htm)
and these cards fit in perfectly with the discussion of taxonomy
and classification.

The Living vs. Not Living activity is from a book I bought
called Take it to Your Seat Science Centers.

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