Dingoden Family Outback Yapper

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16 June 2009

World Map

I've been doing a lot of reading about Montessori preschool
and early elementary school materials and curriculum. I've
come across some lovely material. Many of the 3-4 year old
preschoolers work with geography materials so I made some
things up for the kids. Delenn has been keen to try out the
materials too. Here she is doing a continent push pin map.
I printed it out from this site:

I laminated the map, put down four pieces of foam material and
a heavy piece of cardboard at the bottom. I super-glued the map
to the top foam piece. I put clear contact paper around the bottom
three pieces of foam and cardboard. Then I put another piece of contact
paper around the bottom set and the top map/foam piece. I trimmed
the border so that only 3/4 inches framed the map (in other words
the contact paper does not cover very much of the map). It turned
out pretty well and seems pretty sturdy.

There's a control map on her left with the continent names. She
has to place the names of the continents on the correct place.
She insisted she wanted NO HELP from Mom!

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