Dingoden Family Outback Yapper

Welcome to our Family blog. It will try to capture the various asundry activities of our mundane lives, but with an attempt at making it seem not quite so mundane.

30 April 2009

Rush Hour Logic Game

Feel free to skip all these next posts... we're just sharing some of the great ideas we've compiled for preschoolers/kindergarteners. With all the help Grams gave us last month, Mom was able to get a lot of quick activities planned out. It really gave our homeschooling a kick start!! I'm amazed with how much more we do (well, it helps that Elora seems to be so much more mature. Logan declared that she's no longer a toddler... one thing is for sure, she's not a baby any more!) -- -especially with the organization the workbaskets have given us (see posts about that below). It helps that the kids are excited to do things... both kids will ask to do things that they find in the work baskets. And, that includes not only the crafts, but also some of the more academic subjects too. They'll both ask to do math or reading, history and so forth.

We still get outside and have been enjoying the cool, lovely weather. Logan has learned to jump rope (with Mom twirling the rope); we play soccer together; we go on walks; play ghost in the graveyard and tickle monster; and Logan has been learning to ride his bike without training wheels.

Anyway, here are some of the activities we've done lately. Logan enjoyed the challenge of Rush Hour. You have to get the red car out of the traffic jam by moving trucks out of the way. Often it takes several steps to move them from the red car's path. Delenn was frustrated, so I simply made the pattern easier for her.

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